Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Man I am sick today. This sucks, but sometimes you've just gotta fight on. Today was a leg workout day instead of a run. By incorporating weights and body-weight exercises into your running regime, you'll build leg strength as well as build up an extra resistance to lactic acid buildup, which occurs when you're going all out in a run (like when I attempt my sub 4 minute mile).
The workout for today was all body-weight. The reason behind this is that it doesn't take long to do and can be done right from home. (I listened to music and watch tv while I did mine). Simple workouts from home can be extremely effective as well. I did 5 sets of squats and 5 sets of standing calf raises. The calf raises followed the squats after each squat set. I was going for high reps to build up my resistance to lactic acid, teaching myself to fight through the pain. The calf raise number mimicd the squat number. Today I did 50 reps of both, 60, 70, 80, and ended with 100 reps for both. Right now I feel like my legs are on fire. Shower, lots of Vitamin C, dinner, and early bedtime to rest and kick this sickness are in store for tonight.